I Corinthians 10:31 says, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Do we have a lot of fun, eat food, make friends, go on activities…. Yes, But the ultimate purpose of our youth group is to Glorify God! In Mark 10:45 the Bible says that Christ Jesus came into this world to serve and “give His life ransom for many”. He did this to redeem us and show to us how to Glorify God. As teens, Christ has called us to serve by following His command in Matthew 28:19ff to go, tell, and make disciples, planting, watering and living out the Gospel before friends, family, and community should be part of our everyday lives We want to see them come to Christ and then disciple them so that they too can grow in Christ and live for Him. if you come to youth group and see one of us wearing our teen shirt that says “SERVE” on it, this is not to say that we are in any way perfect, have it all together, or are some kind of “super Christian”… but instead to remind the one wearing the t-shirt and the rest of our youth group of what our goal is!

The youth group is not a separate entity but is part of the body here at Maranatha Baptist Church. We desire to serve within that body using our gifts, talents, and abilities for His Glory!